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Registrations must be done at MSTC office, a form is available from the Centre – please request this when booking a candidate in for training.


An employer may in terms of section 13 of the Manpower Training Act (MTA), register an apprentice on a contract of apprenticeship linked to a competency – based modular learning programme. The apprentice receives, during the 3 years contract of apprenticeship, the required workplace experience, on the job training and accredited institutionalised training e.g. MSTC at SETA accredited site to be eligible to conduct training.


A candidate, who is not registered on a contract of apprenticeship, may in terms of RPL of the MTA apply for trade test. The candidate must provide evidence that she/he has the required knowledge, skills and experience that is equivalent to an apprentice before SETA’s will approve then application for a RPL Trade Test (also known as Recognition of Prior Learning). The SETA’s admission criteria for section RPL is very rigorous, thus insuring that only those that actually have had the required training from QCTO Accredited Institutionalised Training e.g. MSTC can be supported.


Whilst under training, students are obliged to adhere to the procedures and rules of the Training Centre. These are explained as part of the induction on commencement of the course. In the case of absenteeism, or breaches of discipline, the employer will be advised. Should a student attendance record fall below 80% without correct procedures being followed they will not be allowed to attend the trade test.


At the end of a course companies will be sent a detailed report on the individual students. The reports will offer recommendations for further training, or not, depending on the individual performance of the student.
Certificates will be issued to students who have successfully passed a course, and this is based on competency, or a pass mark of 60% and above.
In the case of Apprentices, companies will be communicated with on a regular basis and a report on the progress of each apprentice will be issued at the end of their training period.


Assessments are conducted to assist the employer in deciding what level their employees are at and what training is required. These must be arranged with the company Administrator or Instructor in advance.


The Centre has a fully operational canteen offering cooked meals to students on a daily basis. Please note that employers will be responsible for allowances for meals. With regards to transport, return transfers are provided where necessary for students at an additional, nominal fee. These need to be pre-booked with the Office Administrator upon confirmation of booking. Accommodation close to the centre is also available at competitive rates for students attending from out of town.