Mentoring Program

MSTC offer a mentoring program for all students who have trained at the centre. This includes telephonic as well as face-to-face assistance, where possible, for any technical issues which they may encounter in the workplace.

The difference between learnerships, skills programs and apprenticeships
ApprenticeshipsLearnershipsSkills Programs
Focus predominantly on practical skills, with some theory at technical college.Combine theory and practical and
include non trade areas at different levels, for different occupations
As with learnerships, except that skills programs are shorter clusters of unit
standards that lead to credits, and not a full qualification (they should involve at least 1 unit standard)
Aimed mainly at younger people starting work.Available to new entrants and existing employees.Agreements are not compulsory;
Are building blocks towards
Time and competency based learning.Outcomes based learning that allows learners to move at their own pace.
Controlled by industry Training boards.Tri-party agreement, signed by the employer, learner and training provider, registered with the SETA
Trade test at an accredited site to qualify.Outcomes based assessment
against registered national unit
standards to be awarded a
national qualification